Dinosaurs Flash and Bone

Dinosaurs flash and

Read national geography magazine article about scientist who are bringing dinosaurs to life and get in information facts and more about dinosaur modelling.

The Bull Gator. Send under the the o a k trees few days e a r l i e r he had been hauled up of a murky leke in Central Florida research instantly named him Mr big he was sofa size with fat jowls farming his head like a couple of throw pillows he would have measured 13.5 fit 4 matters if rival  hadn't chomped the last foot of his 10 four people said on his click back excited alligator s do more than others the can spine like for a proper bands yet.
Mr big with his mouth tabbed shirt and towel over his eyes was completely do CIL as inert as luggage he behaved like a greater basking in the sun rather than 1 in the middle office science experiment.

Gregory Erickson d the scientist stood a v passage away grimly holding a plastic profile tipped with a little square plate called a forest trance d u c e r. He intended to put this in the animal mouth to measure the force of its bite 
E r i c k s o n also i n t e n d e d to who written all his body parts which explained his serious c o u n t e n a n c e 

a man on the datas back removed the travel and the tap the animal opened its eyes and his ID it was a factory noise is steam pipe 
The mouth opened as slowly as a drawbridge
The map on Mr big was s p a c i us enough to house a poodle. CR i c k s o n presented the the force t r a n s d u c e r to the largest tooth at the back of the right upper g a w and the Jets snapped shut

Trouble we got t r o u b l e e r i c k s o n z as the letter p o l e family clamped begin to
L u r c h in his direction but then the animal claimed down Erickson read some numbers of a matter 2.96 that's a lot he said
The creature jazz head come together with nearly 3 thousand pounds 1360 kilograms of force. The odd think about this little experiment was that it was f u n d a m e n t a l l y about dinosaurs Sia r i c k s o n a paleobiologist add expert in the feeding behaviour of tyrannosaurus including the bite marks left on bonus that research Shepherd him to find out more about bytes in general which is why he is out we loaded Mr big on an airport to be activated overland back home to leke Griffin about an hour to the South we spend the night lega side testing 10 more getters that had been freshly young kid from the water all the while we talked about dinosaurs
Shortly before down by which time the where thirdly scuffed up and swampy though still in possession of all our digits Erickson turund to me and said it's not like diggin Bones 
Bone diggin is still essentially but an increasing number of of vertebrae paleobiologist are going beyond the Bones looking dinosaurs.

Instead of spending December in a dusty badlands born bad they might spend it in a laboratory analyzing the evolution of the flight struck by tossing pigeon into a wind t u n n e l. Instead half s c r a a p i n g away the sandstone overburden on a nice city e articled ceratopesian they 
These paleobiologist tend to be on the young and idealistic side determine d to intensity the scientific rigor of their professional . Their goal is to hunt not just.
By Avisingh 5 August 2019 

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