Attitude Status For Man 2019

Attitude Status
For Man 2019

1. It good to have an end to
Journey towards it is the
Journey that matter in the end.

2. Have u ever seen A hater
Doing better than u?Me

3. A positive mental attitude
Asks: how can it be done
Instead of replying
It can't be done
That is beyond your LEVEL

4. Below are the collection of the best
Attitude status which can be
Found on the Internet.

5. You are what we pretend to be
So be careful about what u
Pretend be
Why Case you when I'm the
When I was born, devil said,
"Ho shit Competition"

6. Only I change my life.
No one will be able to do it for me
Attitude is everything
So pick up a good one.

7. People that aren't used to quality
Always quantity
Fuck everyone it's just
You in the end

8.My attitude is like a mirror
Only reflect what's
Presented in front of me.
Attitude knowledge
Skills are the best
Foundation of real beauty.

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